Cook's Petrel |
prolonged period of ideal weather conditions – E-SE winds of 10-20
knots consistently over the past couple of weeks – together with a highly successful pelagic off Southport on
November 18 prompted us at short notice to head out for the second
time this month. We departed Mooloolaba Marina at 6.30am with a forecast of 10-15 knots SE looking promising on what turned out to be a partially cloudy
daily with occasional showers and a maximum temperature of 28C.
Wilson's Storm-Petrel |
We were
up against a vigorous 1.5m-2m swell on the way out, but the large
size and deep hull of Crusader
1 - operated by Sunshine Coast family company Sunshine Coast Afloat - helped
ease the discomfort. Again, Wedge-tailed Shearwaters were in
alarmingly small numbers in inshore waters for reasons which remain unclear. A flock of
Short-tailed Shearwaters, a single Hutton's Shearwater and a dark
phase Arctic Jaeger were seen
as we headed east.
Wilson's Storm-Petrel |
We cut the
engine just
the shelf in 220 fathoms at 9.20am – the rough ride having slowed us down
a bit – 32 nautical miles offshore: 26.38738S, 153.42603E. We began
laying a berley trail – thanks Rob Morris for getting the berley
side of things sorted at short notice – and the first Wilson's
Storm-Petrel was quickly on the scene. We had Wilson's about in some
numbers for
the whole time
we were out wide, often very close to the boat, and it was the most
common bird of the day.
Cook's Petrel |
A large
ray surfaced close to the boat before
we saw an interesting petrel
several hundred metres to
the north.
It was most likely a White-necked Petrel, but the
didn't oblige
coming in closer.
An hour
later we
noticed two small
Pterodroma petrels
in the distance to
the south and
this time one of them followed the slick up to the boat. It
was a Cook's Petrel which
nicely if briefly at
close quarters.
This is a rare species in Australian waters and only the second time
it has been seen in Queensland.
Cook's Petrel |
weather turned out to be pretty much as forecast. Tahiti Petrel was
seen regularly.
Tahiti Petrel |
Wedge-tailed Shearwaters remained thin on the water.
The occasional Short-tailed Shearwater checked out the slick, as did a
single Flesh-footed Shearwater.
Short-tailed Shearwater |
unexpected was an immature Great Cormorant which flew in and hung
around for a while, looking more than a little out of place.
Great Cormorant |
A single
Sooty Tern flew high overhead, as did a
single Pomarine Jaeger. A pod of
Pantropical Spotted Dolphins surfaced shortly before we pulled up
stumps and turned around at 12.50pm, having drifted just 1.5 nautical miles during the 3.5 hours we were off the shelf. We arrived back at the marina at
Sooty Tern |
Richard Taylor (skipper), Zoe Williams (deckhand), Greg Roberts
(organiser), Margie Baker, Tony Baker, Chris Burwell, Antonia
Burwell, Felicia Chan, Wan Fang Chen, Alex Ferguson, Rick Franks,
James Galea, John Gunning, James Martin, Rob Morris, Steve Murray,
Gerry Richards, Carolyn Scott, Ross Sinclair, Natalie Sinclair, Jim
Sneddon, Andrew Stafford, Andrew Sutherland, Ged Tranter, Paul
Walbridge. E-list.
Total (Maximum at one time)
Petrel 1 (1),
Petrel 30 (6),
Shearwater 35 (8),
Shearwater 25 (20),
Shearwater 1 (1),
Shearwater 1 (1),
Storm-Petrel 60 (15),
Tern 30 (8),
Sooty Tern
1 (1),
Jaeger 1 (1),
Jaeger 1 (1),
Great Cormorant 1 (1).
Pantropical Spotted Dolphin 15 (6).
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