Short-tailed Shearwater flock |
We departed Mooloolaba Marina for the
Sunshine Coast Pelagic on Sunday November 5, 2017 at 6.40am with
tempered expectations in view of the forecast 10-knot south-easterly.
A good start was a Wandering Tattler on the breakwater rocks as we
left the Mooloolah River.
We noted as we headed east that numbers
of Wedge-tailed Shearwaters were low. Given that we pass through
waters off Mudjimba Island, which hosts an important nesting
population -
burrows were recorded in 1997 - this is cause for concern. We saw several flocks of Short-tailed
Shearwaters, all of which were determinedly heading in a southerly
Mudjimba Island |
We stopped to lay a berley trail at
9.20am 32 nautical miles offshore in 300 fathoms: 26.4009S,
153.4190E. A fine, sunny day prevailed (max 29) with a 1.5m swell.
However, there was no wind, not even a breeze. If there is one thing
worse that the dreaded northerlies on these trips, it is no wind at
all. I can remember just a handful occasions previously where there
has been zero wind all day. Unfortunately, that was our lot this day.
Wedge-tailed Shearwater |
A Wilson's Storm-Petrel appeared after
30 minutes but little more, so we ventured further out to 500
fathoms 36nm offshore. It made no difference bird-wise, although we did attract several decent-sized sharks, which appeared to be Bronze Whalers. A handful of Wilson's
Storm-Petrels and small numbers of Wedge-tailed Shearwaters and
Crested Terns were all the birds we saw before we turned around at
12.30pm. We tried our luck again with a third berley trail in 250
fathoms before heading back at 12.50pm.
Wilson's Storm-Petrel |
A dark phase Arctic Jaeger, a pod of
Short-beaked Common Dolphins, and several more flocks of Short-tailed
Shearwaters were of interest on the way in. We returned to the marina
at 3.30pm. Once again, all aboard were impressed with the comforts and space of our boat,
Crusader 1, run by Sunshine Coast family company
Sunshine Coast Afloat.
PARTICIPANTS: Greg Roberts (organiser),
Toby Imhoff (skipper), Zoe Williams (deckhand),
Margie Baker, Tony Baker, Devon Bull,
Locky Cordell, Phil Cross, Jo Culinan, Alex Ferguson, John Gunning,
Nikolas Haass, Barrie Harding, John Houssenloge, Mary Hynes, Elliot
Leach, James Martin, Maggie Overend, Steve Popple, Carol Popple,
Andrew Sides-McHugh, Mary Sides-McHugh, Raja Stephenson, Kevin Webb
SPECIES: Total (Max at one time)
Wilson's Storm Petrel 7 (3)
Wedge-tailed Shearwater 20 (4)
Short-tailed Shearwater 200 (40)
Silver Gull 2 (1)
Crested Tern 15 (4)
Arctic Jaeger 1 (1)
Short-beaked Common Dolphin 6 (6)
Thanks to all those who sahred their expertise on avian and marine fauna. It made the trip interesting despite the low species count. We couldn't believe the beautiful clear blue seas to east of continental shelf as we peered into 500 fathoms of water.