Black-throated Finch |
After our visit to
Malanda (see following post) we left the rainforests and wet red
soils behind for a two-day stay in the Big 4 Woodlands Caravan Park
outside Atherton. Bridled Honeyeater was common here but there was
little else of interest birdwise.
Bridled Honeyeater |
We enjoyed a visit
to the nearby historical town of Herberton. Hasties Swamp was checked
out a couple of times but nothing of interest there (many thousands
of Magpie Geese and Plumed Whistling-Ducks) and I could not find any
Sarus Cranes in fields in the area. Red-tailed Black Cockatoos were
unusually feeding in large numbers on the ground in open paddocks.
Red-tailed Black Cockatoos |
Leaving the Atherton
Tableland, we headed north to Mareeba for 2 nights at the Kerribee
Park Rodeo camping ground on the Dimbulah Road – a huge complex
(Mareeba hosts one of Australia's biggest rodeos) with a pleasant
outlook over ranges to the south.
Mareeba woodlands |
The area was surrounded by
termite-studded savannah woodland. I saw a single Black-throated
Finch a couple of times at soaks at the back of the complex but
failed to photograph the bird.
Little Bronze-Cuckoo |
I had more success
with an obliging Little Bronze-Cuckoo.
Yellow Honeyeater |
Yellow Honeyeater
was common.
Bush Stone-Curlew |
Bush Stone-Curlews
were also about.
Agile Wallabies |
Large numbers of
Agile Wallabies and Eastern Grey Kangaroos were on the grounds.
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