Sunshine Coast Birds

Birding and other wildlife experiences from the Sunshine Coast and elsewhere in Australia - and from overseas - with scribblings about travel, environmental issues, kayaking, hiking and camping.

Sunday, 16 February 2025


Christmas Island Boobook

28 January-6 February, 2025. I was last on Christmas Island as a working journalist in 2007 in May – the wrong time of year for summer vagrants from south-east Asia, as well as the endemic Christmas Island Boobook. So with a bit of unfinished business, Glenn and I opted to have a week on Christmas Island followed by a week in the Cocos-Keeling islands. We stayed at the Sunset Hotel on Christmas, aptly named for great sunsets. But only for the first two nights, as rough and often violent weather was the norm for the rest of the stay, courtesy of two cyclones and assorted lows circling the Indian Ocean to the south.

Sunset at Sunset Hotel

Our first foray took us to the delightful Tai Jin House near Flying Fish Cove. Here the endemics Christmas Island Imperial-Pigeon, Christmas Island White-eye and Christmas Island Thrush were all easy to see in numbers.

Christmas Island Thrush

Christmas Island White-eye

Christmas Island Imperial-Pigeon

We ventured to South Point and the railway ruins on our first full day out, spotting a couple of Barn Swallows. Vagrants proved to be frustratingly scarce. Whether this was due to the appalling weather for most of our time on the island, or if we were too late in the season – difficult to know. What we did see however was a Malayan Night-Heron along a creek in The Dales.

Island Coastline - The Blowholes

Travelling back east we had plenty of views of the magnificent Abbott’s Booby. Later with Steve Reynolds, who kindly showed me about the island, we had a beautiful juvenile booby near ground level on North-West Road. More were seen nicely in flight on another occasion off Margaret Knoll Lookout, where superb views of the golden race fulvus of White-tailed Tropicbird (known locally as the golden bosun) were also enjoyed. Images below of Abbott's Booby.

Steve and I were fortunate to flush at adult male Shrenck’s Bittern in wet grassland at the southern end of North South Baseline Road. This may have been the same bird which was seen a couple of times recently about the Settlement area. We flushed half a dozen Pin-tailed Snipe, with the usual distant images but trailing legs and distinctive call noted.

Pin-tailed Snipe

Good spots around the settlement included the Recreation Area (we got a hostile reception from the manager at the nearby rubbish tip - hitherto a major island hotspot), the Golf Course road, North-East Point and Territory Day Park. Great views of Christmas Island Flying-fox (below) were enjoyed during the late afternoon at the day park.

Seabirds were everywhere. Christmas Island Frigatebird was abundant, with fewer numbers of Great and even fewer Lesser. Thegolden bosun” tropicbird was plentiful, and quite a few Red-tailed Tropicbirds were about. Red-footed Booby and Brown Booby were common.

  1. White-tailed Tropicbird (Golden Bosun)

    Red-footed Booby

    Christmas Island Frigatebird

White-breasted Waterhen was common by voice but shy and seldom seen. The recently split Asian Emerald Dove was reasonably common roadside.

Asian Emerald Dove

Christmas Island Swiftlet was abundant but difficult to photograph.

Christmas Island Swiftlet

Eurasian Tree Sparrow was abundant and a handful of Java Sparrows – a species in decline on the island - were spotted near the hotel.

Java Sparrow

A couple of Christmas island Goshawks were seen.

Christmas Island Goshawk

We ended up having 9 instead of 7 days on the island as our flight out to Cocos was postponed due to the weather. 

The silver lining to this cloud is that the night our flight was cancelled, the weather improved somewhat, allowing for a decent search for Christmas Island Boobook. D
uring a visit to Christmas Island in May 2007 I failed to see the species - wrong time of year. Owls are my favourite birds and that hurt. On our just completed trip to the island, I thought it would be a pushover. The area around my hotel was a known hotspot for the bird, and my first and only fine weather evening was spent searching there unsuccessfully. I'd heard the birds had left the area but was fooled by what turned out to be a false recent ebird report. Then the crap weather settled in: high winds, heavy rain, and so on. Two cyclones south of the island. I tried nonetheless at other spots. Then our flight out was cancelled due to weather, but a silver linining: it finally stopped raining that evening for a few hours. It took a while but I finally nailed this bird on Phosphate Hill Road.

Of course the crabs are a big attraction on Christmas Island. The famous red crab summer spawning migration was underway but well beyond its peak.  There were far fewer on the roads than during my last visit in May. Still, some roads were closed and careful driving was in order. Robber crabs were, as usual, ever present.

Robber Crab

Red Crab


Red Junglefowl (abundant),

Christmas Island Frigatebird, Great Frigatebird, Lesser Frigatebird, Red-footed Booby, Brown Booby,

Abbott’s Booby, Red-tailed Tropicbird, White-tailed Tropicbird,

Schrenck’s Bittern, Malayan Night-Heron, Striated Heron (1 race javanicus), Eastern Reef-Egret,

Glossy Ibis (1 Recreation Area),

Pin-tailed Snipe, Common Sandpiper, White-breasted Waterhen, Brown Noddy,

Christmas Island Swiftlet, Asian Emerald Dove, Christmas Island Imperial-Pigeon, Christmas Island Thrush,

Nankeen Kestrel, Christmas Island Goshawk,

Christmas Island Boobook,

Christmas Island Silverye,

Java Sparrow, Eurasian Tree-Sparrow, Barn Swallow 28spp, 4 Oz ticks, 2 lifers, 9 pic ticks


Coastline - The Blowholes

White-breasted Waterhen

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