Common Tern |
After looking around Oslo (see following post) Ketil and I drove up to the Krysbmyra Forest in the mountains near the city. Our drive was followed by a 30-minute bicycle ride and a hike through the beautiful spruce and pine forests.
Ketil in Krysbmyra |
We were looking for Pine Crossbill and encountered 4 parties, seeing two birds briefly. This was the fifth lifer of the trip for me. Tree Pipit showed nicely.
Tree Pipit |
We flushed a pair of Eurasian Nightjars.
Eurasian Nightjar - Pic by Ketil Knudsen |
We had a delightful lunch with the Knudsen family in Oslo before travelling south to the family's equally delightful coastal villa at Tasken, near the mouth of the Oslo Fjord.
Lunch with the Knudsens |
Here we took a boat ride around the fjord, with Ketil at the helm.
Tasken, Oslo Fjord |
Birds on the islands included Rock Pipit, numerous Greater Black-backed Gulls and Northern Wheatear.
Greater Black-backed Gull |
Common Terns were nesting on the islands but they are suffering greatly from increasing predation by gulls, which have fewer fish to catch, evidently due to warming waters in the fjords.
Common Tern |
Many male Common Eiders were coming into breeding plumage. Other waterbirds included Common Scoter, Velvet Scoter and Red-breasted Merganser.
Common Eiders |
Around the villa were Eurasian Linnet, Common Wheatear and nesting Greater Whitethroat.
Eurasian Linnet |
Driving east towards the Swedish border we found several Western Marsh-Harriers, including one that had caught a large vole.
Western Marsh-Harrier |
Yellowhammer and Whinchat were quite common.
Whinchat |
Yellowhammer |
We spent a day wandering the streets of Oslo, seeing the Parliament, the waterfront, the Royal Palace and Akershus-Festning Fort, among other things.
Oslo waterfront |
Akershus-Festning Fort |
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