Marbled Frogmouths on day roost |
I found a pair of Marbled Frogmouths roosting during the day in Mapleton National Park, in the Blackall Range in the Sunshine Coast hinterland. The birds were huddled closely together in the subcanopy, about 5 metres from the ground in a rainforest gully close to a stream.
Marbled Frogmouths on day roost |
This cryptic bird can be difficult to see even at night, but it is rarely encountered during the day. I have previously seen one on its daytime roost just once. The birds yesterday were not attending a nest; presumably it is a little early for nesting.
Marbled Frogmouths on day roost |
This pair of frogmouths is one of about 10 that I am aware of in the Blackall Range. I tried different camera settings with these birds. A flash was used in the image above, explaining the highlighted eyes. List of birds in the park
can be found here.
Great Crested Grebes |
Also in the area was a pair of Great Crested Grebes on Lake Cooloolabin, where I've not seen them previously.
Dollarbird |
The first Dollarbird of the season showed yesterday close to home at Ninderry.
Yellow Albatross |
Butterflies are out and about in the increasingly warm Spring weather. This Yellow Albatross was in Mapleton National Park.
Young Little Wattlebird |
On the home front, the young Little Wattlebird
reported earlier is doing well. It continues to be fed by its parents but is increasingly self-sufficient. Interestingly, the wattlebirds are building their second nest of the season, in a different hanging basket on our back verandah porch.
White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike |
A White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike, a rare visitor here, has been about the garden for several weeks.
Eastern Whipbird |
This Eastern Whipbird had just been attacked by a territorial Forest Kingfisher and appeared a little shell-shocked.
Double-barred Finch |
A Double-barred Finch from Parklakes.
Great captures of the Marbled Frogmouths and the Whipbird portrait shouldn't be taken for granted.