Broad-billed Ssndpiper |
Yandina Creek Wetlands continue to surprise, with Broad-billed
Sandpiper and Baillon's Crake added to the growing list of
interesting species found here today, and Lewin's Rail showing nicely.
Broad-billed Sandpiper |
Broad-billed Sandpiper |
Sunshine Coast has little freshwater wetland habitat that is suitable
for migratory shorebirds, so it was good to see decent numbers of shorebirds at
Yandina Creek. About 120 Sharp-tailed Sandpipers were feeding among
reed stubble on exposed mud along with 4 Curlew Sandpipers, 2
Red-necked Stints, 2 Marsh Sandpipers, 10 Japanese Snipe and best of
all, a single Broad-billed Sandpiper - a scarce species in south-east
Queensland. The Broad-billed was quite distant unfortunately so the images here were the best I could manage.
Marsh Sandpiper |
other waders, about 70 Red-kneed Dotterels were present. An unusually
large number (150+) of this inland species turned up early last year
at the eastern extremity of Yandina Creek Wetlands (see here). I
thought all but a handful were long gone, but not so.
Red-kneed Dotterel |
staked out a nice-looking piece of mud edge on the fringe of a
reed bed. Here I saw 2 Lewin's Rail, with one bird showing well and
repeatedly, though typically not allowing itself to be photographed;
the image here is from the files.
Lewin's Rail |
also had stunning views of several Spotless Crakes, and saw a single
Baillon's Crake - the first record of this species for the wetlands.
Spotless Crake |
Buff-banded Rail |
Buff-banded Rails were patrolling the same stretch of mud.
Little Grassbird |
Grassbirds were foraging around the reed bed edges.
White-breasted Woodswallow juvenile |
pair of White-breasted Woodswallows were attending two well-developed
Site for Lewin's Rail, Buff-banded Rail, Spotless Crake, Baillon's Crake |
Sunshine Coast Regional Council has replied to my submission asking
that the privately owned wetlands be acquired and managed as a
reserve. The council advised that its reserve acquisition program is
being reviewed in the wake of the recent separation from the council
of Noosa Shire; the submission would be “kept on file and
assessed”. I pointed out that the wetlands are much more extensive
and productive than I had previously thought, and suggested that the
council survey the area. (Last year, the council rejected
submissions that it acquire Lot 2,River Road for a reserve, but we
now know that Lot 2 constitutes just the eastern extremity of the
Buff-banded Rail |
Full list of bird seen is here.
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