Bush Stone-Curlew, Macleay Island |
I had a few days visiting my friend Glen Ingram on Macleay Island in southern Moreton Bay and checking out some birding hotspots around Brisbane.
Juvenile Black-winged Stilt, Lindum Wetland |
I started off at the wetland on Burnby Road, Lindum. A flock of about 15 Sharp-tailed Sandpipers was here (at the spot where a Ruff and Pectoral Sandpiper were present early this year) along with 3 Red-necked Avocets and a flock of 12 Red-kneed Dotterels. I flushed a Common Sandpiper from the mangroves immediately to the east of the wetland. Here and elsewhere, I was to see quite a few juvenile Black-winged Stilts. A list of birds seen at Lindum is here: http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist?subID=S20344923.
Glossy Ibis & Grey Teal, Sandy Camp Road Wetlands |
I moved on to the nearby Sandy Camp Road Wetlands. Water levels were low and there was not much about. A single Glossy Ibis was present and a Spotless Crake was heard. Plenty of Comb-crested Jacanas about and Brown Quail showed nicely on the track.
Red Knot & Bar-tailed Godwit - Wynnum |
Then it was on to the wader roost at high tide at the end of Wynnum Road North. Although the tide was very high, there were not many waders present. Of interest was a relatively large number (20+) of Red Knot but no Great Knots, the latter a much more common species in south-east Queensland.
Marsh Sandpiper & Common Greenshank - Wynnum |
Marsh Sandpiper and Common Greenshank were seen together at Wynnum - a nice comparison.
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Red-necked Stint, Curlew-Sandpiper - Manly |
Then it was on to the wader roost behind Manly Boat Harbour. Waders were in large numbers, although no rarities appeared to be about. Bar-tailed Godwit, Whimbrel, Red-necked Stint and Lesser Sand Plover were abundant. In smaller numbers were Great Knot, Pacific Golden Plover, Curlew-Sandpiper, Eastern Curlew, Ruddy Turnstone and Sharp-tailed Sandpiper. A couple of Large Sand Plovers and Red Knots were also spotted.
Curlew-Sandpiper - Manly |
On Macleay Island, Glen has made good friends of his local Bush Stone-Curlews. A pair with two well-developed young has taken up residence in his front garden. Another pair is in residence in his back garden. The territorial boundaries between the two groups are fragile and the source of much bickering.
Bush Stone-Curlew |
Other birds on the island included Collared Kingfisher showing well on an overhead wire; I have seldom seen the species perched on wire,
Collared Kingfisher |
After leaving Maclean Island I headed off to Mt Coot-tha to look for the Square-tailed Kite nest reported from the Summit Trail. Although I tracked down the GPS co-ordinates from ebird, I could not find any trace of the kites. A consolation prize was a Southern Boobook which flushed from a eucalypt hollow, only to be mobbed by an avalanche of Noisy Miners.
Southern Boobook |
Australian King-Parrot |
Also here was a showy male Australian King-Parrot.
I'm so glad the Bush Stone-Curlews have found a safe haven.