Spotless Crake |
Today I visited the new artificial wetland at the Parklakes real estate development near Bli Bli. The birding was very good, with excellent, close views of Baillon's Crake and Spotless Crake, among other things. Most of us are concerned about urban sprawl but if it's going to happen, this is the way to go. Congratulations on the developers for creating a first-rate wetlands here.
Spotless Crake |
I found the first Spotless Crake within minutes of arriving and saw a total of four, with others heard. The wetlands are a series of connected large ponds with just the right mixture of open water and vegetation such as lilies, sedges and rushes. Hundreds of flowering native shrubs and trees have been planted around the pond edges. All up, an impressive effort.
Baillon's Crake |
It wasn't long before I saw a Baillon's Crake, also close up. I saw a second Baillon's a short while later.
Baillon's Crake |
Parklakes Wetlands |
The wetlands have lots of potential
Wandering Whistling-Duck |
Other nice birds here included Wandering Whistling-Duck, Latham's Snipe, Little Grassbird and Buff-banded Rail.
White-breasted Woodswallow |
This woodswallow was nearby in the Maroochy River canefields.
Grey Shrike-Thrush |
In the garden at Ninderry, the hot weather is attracting plenty of interest in the bird bath.
Eastern Yellow Robin |
Brush Cuckoo |
A Brush Cuckoo shows nicely.
Peaceful Dove |
Peaceful Dove is a scarce visitor in the garden.
Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike |
A Dusky Honeyeater is presently visiting flowering shrubs.
Dusky Honeyeater |
Eastern Grey Kangaroo |
Plenty of Eastern Grey Kangaroos were in evidence during a visit to Toorbul, with quite a few seemingly at home on the tidal flats.
so many lovely photos Greg and definitely a winner in my eyes to have a housing development include a wetlands like this. Great waders, and I loved seeing the E.Y.R. at a birdbath; that seems very unique for these birds
ReplyDeleteIt's great to hear a really positive comment about a development, and some good brids and photos too.