The year 2023 ended on a high note with a male Turquoise Parrot seen this morning at Peregian Beach on the Sunshine Coast, in the Emu Swamp (southern) section of Noosa National Park. The bird was discovered on December 23 by local birder Janet Parsons about half-way along the extension of Woodland Drive westwards that forms a walking track across the wallum heath.
The parrot has been seen on multiple occasions since, feeding on grass seeds on both sides of the track as well as on seeding plants in the heath. It tolerates a reasonably close approach but is quick to move off-track into woodland if sufficiently disturbed. The parrot has been recorded anywhere along the track from shortly after its beginning near the bitumen end of Woodland Drive – where vehicles are parked – to a seat on the track about 700m to the west. Over the past couple of mornings it has been near the start of the track. Sometimes it perches for short periods on overhead wires.

There has been some discussion about whether the bird might be an aviary escapee. This appears in my view to be unlikely. The bird’s behaviour is similar to that of many wild Turquoise Parrots I have seen elsewhere (and of parrots of the Neophema genus generally). It is not overly tame and is not banded; not all aviary birds are banded but a male Turquoise Parrot in fine form could expect to be. The habitat is similar to wallum heath at Cooloola where Turquoise Parrot has been seen in the past. The species is also recorded in the Sunshine Coast region from Jimna and Monsidale, and in several other sites outside its core range in the Granite Belt. This is the first record of the species from the Sunshine Coast and Noosa council areas. Neophema parrots not infrequently stray well outside their core range: witness for instance Blue-winged Parrots in south-west Queensland, or Scarlet-chested Parrots in Victoria and eastern South Australia.
Also in the wallum today were loads of Red-browed Finches and White-cheeked Honeyeaters.
Now for a quick round-up of other birding highlights in south-east Queensland over the past 12 months. The year kicked off nicely with male and female Shining Flycatcher in mangroves along the Maroochy River near Finland Road. At the same spot was a nest of the rare Water Mouse.
Shining Flycatcher female |
Shining Flycatcher male |
Water Mouse nest
A Brush Cuckoo at Noosaville put on a show.
A Marbled Frogmouth disturbed at its day roost in Mapleton National Park did not appear to be thrilled to see me.
Also in Mapleton National Park, a lovely male Superb Fruit-Dove was about for a while in February.
King Quail was finally photographed, along Burtons Road, Bli Bli: the last land bird in south-east Queensland that I needed a snap of.
On the same day, some nice flight shots of Latham’s Snipe at Finland Road.
A visit to Hervey Bay in March turned up a showy Black Bittern at Akarra Lagoon.
At Maaroom high tide roost soon after, an affinis Gull-billed Tern was spotted among the numerous Australian Terns.
Radjah Shelduck continued to appear regularly throughout the year at the Maroochydore sewerage treatment works, with one pair hatching five ducklings.
Black-chinned Honeyeater was among the species found in the Miva-Gunalda area north of Gympie.
A fine pair of Eastern Grass Owls were unexpectedly flushed from grassland at Yandina Creek Wetland.
As the year drew towards its end the birding picked up, with a female Australian Painted-Snipe (found by Chris Attewell) in residence for several weeks at Lake MacDonald.
Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove and Barred Cuckoo-shrike showed nicely at Noosa Botanic Gardens at Cooroy.
Barred Cuckoo-shrike |
Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove |
Also at Cooroy, Spotless Crake and Baillon’s Crake were side-by-side in good numbers at the sewerage treatment works.
Baillon's Crake |
Spotless Crake |
While at Wappa Dam, Lewin’s Rail and Pale-vented Bush-hen were similarly happy to share the same spot.
Lewin's Rail |
Pale-vented Bush-hen |
A Sooty Owl was tracked down in the Conondale Range above Booloumba Creek.
Also at Booloumba Creek were a Bush-Rat and an Eastern Horse-shoe Bat.
Bush Rat |
Eastern Horseshoe Bat |
On the home front, the frequent appearance of a friendly Wonga Pigeon in our Nambour garden continues to be a treat.