Night Parrot - pic Steve Murphy |
The following news and feature were published in
The Weekend Australian of 14-15 May, 2016. I reveal that the cattle property Brighton Downs is where John Young discovered a Night Parrot population in 2013. However, the property is very large and I have not published specific site details for what is now known as the Pullen Pullen Reserve.
Analysis of the last five records of this species shows the parrot occurring over a 300km arc - from Boulia in the west to the Winton-Jundah Road in the east - in Queensland's channel country. The Queensland Government's threatened species unit has decided that the parrot's call recordings will not be distributed to allow others to search for this enigmatic bird. These are same people who suppressed Robert Cupitt's Night Parrot find in the nearby Diamantina National Park in 2006.
It's time for a little less secrecy and for recordings to be distributed so that others can search for populations. It is a mistake for all the Night Parrot eggs to be left in one basket. Those wishing to search for this species could do worse than to look along the Diamantina River Road and the Winton-Jundah Road. Please note there is no public access to Pullen Pullen or Brighton Downs.
Brighton Downs & Diamantina National Park |
A sprawling live
cattle export property in the channel country of outback Queensland
has been revealed as being where a remnant population of the
world's most mysterious bird lives.
The enigmatic night
parrot, long feared extinct, is now known from five sites across
300km of some of the nation's most harsh and arid landscape.
The 420,000ha
Brighton Downs property is where renowned naturalist John Young took
the first photographs and film footage of the night parrot in 2013.
At the time, no confirmed sightings of the parrot had been documented
since 1912; the Smithsonian Institution regards the night parrot as
the world's most mysterious bird.
Private nature
conservation organisation Bush Heritage Australia announced recently
it had established the 56,000ha Pullen Pullen Reserve to protect an
estimated population of 20-40 night parrots at Mr Young's site.
BHA was forced to
take out a $1.5 million mortgage to pay for the acquisition. Brighton
Downs owner Peter Britton said the parrots had lived in the area for
generations side-by-side with cattle grazing.
“I wonder with all
this attention on the birds if we should be worrying about their
future,” Mr Britton said.
Mr Young claims he
was forced out of the BHA project. He has been hired as a senior
ecologist with Australia's other major nature conservation
organisation, Australian Wildlife Conservancy, which is locked in a
heated dispute with BHA.
AWC announced this
week a $3 million program that includes the construction a fence to
keep feral predators out of 8000ha of the 507,000ha Diamantina
National Park, which adjoins Brighton Downs. AWC plans to establish a
population of 800 bilbies, doubling the Queensland population of the
endangered marsupial.(
More on the fence plan here.)
The proposed fence
is understood to be less than 50km from Pullen Pullen. The last night
parrot recorded before Mr Young's 2013 discovery was a dead bird
found in 2006 in the national park. It had been decapitated when it
struck a fence.
The Pullen Pullen night parrot site: Pic by The Australian |
Allan Burbidge, the
chairman of the Night Parrot Discovery Team, which works closely with
BHA, said there is a risk of parrots striking the AWC fence and being
“We would like to
know what action would be taken if one or more parrots are killed
following collision with a predator-proof fence,” Dr Burbidge said.
Frank Manthey of
Save the Bilby Fund said he also opposed the fence because it would
restrict the movements of bilbies from their last known haunt in
Astrebla Downs National Park, 40km from the fence site.
AWC chief executive
Atticus Fleming said the site was not near known populations of
either bilbies or night parrots and will cover just one percent of
Diamantina National Park.
“In our experience
these fences have not had adverse impact on other species.” Mr
Fleming said. “The fence is just one of the strategies being
employed. There will be a range of feral animal controls.”
A decades-long
absence of confirmed night parrot records ended with the finding a
dead bird roadside near Boulia in 1990. A second dead bird was found
in 2006 in Diamantina National Park, 120km south-east of Boulia. Mr
Young photographed his parrot in 2013 on Brighton Downs, 30km north
of Diamantina. Researcher Steve Murphy subsequently heard parrots
calling at a second site on the property, 40km from Mr Young's site.
Also in 2013, naturalist Glenn Holmes saw a night parrot on the
Winton-Jundah Road, 60km east of Brighton Downs (see here).
John Young |
Peter Britton, a fifth generation cattle grazier, it was a dream come
true when his family signed a $12 million contract in May 2013 with
the giant Australian Agricultural Company to acquire the 420,000ha
Brighton Downs holding in western Queensland's channel country. The
Britton family had long coveted the live cattle export property on
the banks of the Diamantina River. “We had wanted that all our
lives,” Peter Britton said at the time.
weeks after the signing came some frightening news for the Brittons.
As revealed by The Australian, renowned naturalist John Young
photographed and filmed for the first time the enigmatic night
parrot, regarded by the Smithsonian Institution as the world's most
mysterious bird. There had been no confirmed sightings of the night
parrot since 1912; almost a century later, a population of the Holy
Grail of Australian wildlife was discovered, generating news
headlines internationally.
discovered the parrot in the heart of Brighton Downs. Britton was
concerned that the finding of this critically endangered species
might prompt government intervention to stop grazing on his cherished
property. “I didn't know what to think, it was a worry,” says
Britton, speaking publicly for the first time about the discovery.
However, government authorities commendably kept their distance,
allowing Britton to sell 12 per cent of Brighton Downs to private
nature reserve organisation Bush Heritage Australia.
announced last month it had acquired the 56,000ha Pullen Pullen
Reserve to protect the night parrot population discovered by Young,
estimated at 20-40 birds; Pullen Pullen is the local Aboriginal name
for the parrot. According to Britton, the area is one of three large
patches of ideal night parrot habitat – old growth spinifex amid
rocky ridges – on Brighton Downs, separated by distances of 30km to
40km, which together comprise about 30 per cent of the property.
Pullen Pullen: Pic by Bush Heritage Australia |
significant barriers remain to secure the long-term future of the
species. BHA was forced to take out a $1.5 million mortgage to
acquire Pullen Pullen – an unusual arrangement for such
organisations - and is $3.5 million short of its $5 million target
for a three-year program covering acquisition, research and
BHA is embroiled in a heated dispute with Australia's other big
nature reserve organisation, the Australian Wildlife Conservancy,
over AWC plans to build a predator-proof fence in the Diamantina
National Park, which abuts the southern boundary of Brighton Downs.
BHA and its night parrot researcher at Pullen Pullen, Steve Murphy,
are under scrutiny by the natural history community for shrouding
their project in secrecy. The BHA website shows a blank map of
Queensland as the site for Pullen Pullen; selected media taken there
by BHA are given no clues about their destination.
of the parrot's call are not being distributed to allow others to
search for more night parrot populations; the cryptic birds,
extremely difficult to see, are most easily detected when they
respond to playback of their call. In essence, all the night parrot
eggs are being put in BHA's Pullen Pullen basket. The whereabouts of
the parrots were made known to Inquirer by
well-placed sources
who fear that BHA is pursuing a secretive
agenda that may not necessarily
be in the best interests of the species.
Britton is concerned about the parrot's future. “This bird has been
living out here side-by-side with cattle forever without any
problems,” Britton says. “Now with all this attention, will
that continue? I worry it might be like the last three prime
ministers: the media grabs a hold of them and before we know it
they're extinct.”
parrot's discoverer, John Young, now works for AWC after falling out
with BHA and Murphy, his former collaborator, who caught the first
live night parrot in April last year. Young has lashed out at Murphy
for using nets to catch the bird. “It
beggars belief that he netted one of the birds from my site,” Young
says on his
“What would have happened if it died in the net! We are playing
with one of the least known birds in the world. Leave them alone.”
is unapologetic and
his intention to use nets to catch two more parrots later
this year.
backed by the Queensland Environment
“The department
is working with the Night Parrot Recovery Team to protect the
population and supports decisions made by scientific experts in the
field,” a
Suitable night parrot habitat along the Diamantina Road. |
the threatened
backed claims by Young to have discovered a new species of fig-parrot
in south-east Queensland
2007, until those
were challenged at the time by
The Australian.
then, government authorities have distanced themselves from Young.
Recent government statements about Young's
night parrot site
fail to acknowledge the
key role in discovering the birds.
AWC revealed this week an
$3 million plan involving the construction of a fence to enclose
8000ha of the 507,000ha Diamantina National Park. The fence will
protect bilbies and other endangered animals from
and foxes. The federal Government is
$1.2 million towards what would be the largest philanthropic
investment in Queensland national parks.
BHA and its allies in the Night Parrot Recovery Team have come out
fighting against the plan,
fearing birds will
killed by flying into the fence. In 2006,
park ranger Robert Cupitt found a dead night parrot in the northern
sector of Diamantina National Park, relatively close to Pullen
Pullen. The
bird was
decapitated by striking a barbed-wire
was the last record of the species before Young's 2013 discovery.
team chairman Allan Burbidge says
Murphy's research shows parrots fly up to 7km from their spinifex
roosts at night to
feed but
they may fly much further. “It
is known from other work in Diamantina and elsewhere that species
with nocturnal activity patterns are more susceptible to collisions
with fences,” Burbidge
“It seems likely that a predator-proof fence within
habitat might pose a threat to a bird that flies 15 km or so each
night. For a population with perilously low numbers, the effect
could be highly significant.”
Bush Heritage Australia's site details for the night parrot reserve |
recovery team is
demanding to know what
action will be taken if parrots are killed by the fence. Murphy
has contacted journalists with the aim of undermining the AWC plan.
chief executive Atticus Fleming responds that the fence will cover
just one percent of the national park. Fleming says the fenced
reserve would protect a population of 800 bilbies – double the
entire Queensland population of the
endangered mammal – as well as the
kowari and other
threatened species. “There
is broad scientific consensus about the urgent need for more cat
and fox-free areas,” Fleming
says. “AWC
recognised as the leader in establishing
predator-free areas and
is the
in Australia to have established multiple large (1000ha+) areas. In
our experience, such fences have not had any significant adverse
impact on other species.”
cats are considered to be the main danger threatening the future of
the bilby and the night parrot. In 2013 and
shot 3000 cats in nearby
the main bilby
population survives.
Young will be hired by AWC to search for new night
populations around the Diamantina fencing
and in other areas where AWC
working, including
Astrebla Downs.
“John is the only person who has found a live night
population,” Fleming says. “That is an outstanding achievement.
wouldn't all be talking about night parrots if it wasn't for him.”
has recorded eight vocalisations from the parrot; the main call is
described as a flute-like,
two-syllable cadence. Murphy
year to
release recordings of the call so
searches could be undertaken for new populations of the parrot, which
is so cryptic that he has seen just three in three years of research.
“Nobody argues about the benefits of that and it will be done,”
Murphy said at the time.
Murphy claims he is unable
to release the call because he has been prevented from doing so by
the threatened
policy of non-disclosure is being driven by the state government,”
he says. However,
spokesman for the unit says it is guided by Murphy's
advice. And Murphy's
advice is clear. He now
the site will be invaded by illegal egg-collectors and birders keen
to “twitch” a
much prized rarity
the call is released.
are risks to the integrity of my data and risks also to the birds
themselves,” he
has set up satellite-controlled cameras on
the reserve
detect intruders. BHA
chief executive north
Murphy (no relation to
says distributing
the call could hinder
research and management work. “Steve's research shows
the birds are highly sensitive to disruption from people and
are easily disturbed,”
Brighton Downs map |
the admission by Rob Murphy that parrots are easily disturbed by
people raises doubts about the wisdom of intensive research
strategies such as netting and tagging. Birds frequently die or are
injured after flying into nets. John Young's supporters believe data
collected from the parrot caught last year by Steve Murphy was
sufficient to establish the necessary facts about habits and
movements, without the need for more birds to be netted.
government's threatened species unit has form on the subject of
secrecy. The 2006 discovery of the dead night parrot by ranger
Robert Cuppitt in Diamantina
National Park was
kept secret, notwithstanding
its huge significance. The
find was revealed by
The Australian six months after the event. Critics argued at the
time that an opportunity for a comprehensive survey to detect more
parrots was lost.
lesson in avian history may be instructive. In 1976, another rare
nocturnal bird, the plumed frogmouth, was discovered in the
rainforests of the Conondale Range in south-east Queensland. At the
time, the frogmouth had not been seen or collected for several
decades and its call was unknown; authorities feared it was extinct.
Instead of the discovery being kept secret, multiple recordings of
the bird's call were distributed. Surveys were conducted across an
extensive area and several populations were detected. There was no
invasion of egg-collectors and twitchers; the plumed frogmouth today
is safely secure.
Approximate sites for last 5 night parrot records |
of the debate over management and research, the developments on
Brighton Downs are an excellent example of how grazing and
environmental interests need not be incompatible across Australia's
vast arid zone.
whatever his reservations, Peter Britton is hopeful that the future
of the species can be secured. That's why he sold Pullen Pullen for
what he and BHA agree was a fair price. “I didn't want it on my
conscious if the bird goes missing,” Britton says. “I had no
interest in exploiting the situation to make money. Like plenty of
people, I want the best possible outcome for this animal.”
Further notes on this subject can be found here.