Thursday 2 June 2016

Queensland Road Trip 4: Tree-Kangaroo & Possums at Possum Valley

Lumholtz's Tree-Kangaroo
Lumholtz's Tree-Kangaroo was the highlight of a spotlighting foray during our stay at the Possum Valley Rainforest Cottages on the Atherton Tableland in north Queensland. Excellent encounters with Golden Bowerbird and Little Kingfisher (see following post) were the ornithological highlights of our stay here, but the mammals did not disappoint.

Entrance Road to Possum Valley
Rainforest lines almost 3km of the 4km entrance road to Possum Valley, and driving along here is the best way of connecting with the arboreal mammals for which the wet tropics is renowned.

Lemur-like Ringtail
Our first possum was a Lemur-like or Lemuroid Ringtail curled up in a ball high in the canopy. We were to see about 10 of this species during our night drive, including a couple of groups of 2-4 animals.

Herbert River Ringtail

Herbert River Ringtail
We next found a Herbert River Ringtail, again high in the canopy. We saw a total of 6 during the drive, including a couple low in the canopy.

Lumholtz's Tree-Kangaroo
The highlight however was a magnificent Lumholtz's Tree-Kangaroo almost at eye level by the road. It appeared to be slumbering, perched in a tree fork. I had seen this species just once previously and it was a buzz for Glenn to connect with a tree-kangaroo.

Coppery Brushtails

A Coppery Brushtail was also spotlighted but these were common about the cabins, with 2 or 3 in residence in the ceiling of Maple Cottage, our abode. 

Coppery Brushtails feeding time
It was a nightly battle on the verandah to fend off their food-seeking attentions. The youngster looked very much like a Common Brushtail, with the adult showing the coppery colouration of this subspecies.

Red-legged Pademelon
Other mammals about included plenty of Red-legged Pademelons on lawns around the lodges.

Dingo x
A dingo-dog cross was seen on one of the walking trails.


  1. those possums are gorgeous! I am going to have to go up north and see some tropical species again!
    Ollie Scully.

  2. Thanks Greg. We have put this wonderful place on our list. Cheers Sri.
